Pradip and Daksha Dalal Family Endowment Fund -Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) 2019:
This endowment fund establishes account of Dollar 1,00,000 or equivalent Rupees for the scholarship. Every year Four students will be awarded Rs. 25,000 based on merit plus means basis. If students meet the requirements, they will continue receiving the scholarship for Three years. (Click here to review MOA)
The 2019 version of the MoA was completely revised on December 15, 2024. The older MoA for scholarship has been gradually replaced by the revised MoA which established the Academic Awards. (Click here to review Amendment to MOA)
Scholarship Awardees - Year 2025

Bhuva Zilan

Parmar Balvant

Piprotar Mayur

Vyas Ronit
Scholarship Awardees - Year 2024

Goswami Priya

Kandurvalakachi Muskanbanu

Patel Deepkumar

Patel Shreyaskumar
Scholarship Awardees - Year 2023

Deora Yuvrajsigh - EC

Rawal Harshid - IC

Soni Manav - EC

Wani Nisarg - IC
Scholarship Awardees - Year 2022

Acharya Mahimana Harshadkumar - CH

Sangani Meet Bharatbhai - CE

Singh Archana Ajaykumar - EC

Verma Manisha Laxmanprasad - CIVIL
Each of these students has been awarded a scholarship of Rs. 25,000/-(INR twenty five thousands only) from the Pradip and Daksha Dalal Family Endowment Fund. It is renewable for the following three years if the student accomplishes the required academic goals.
Scholarship Awardees - Year 2021

Parikh Keta Sandip - CH

Padsala Deep Vijaybhai - CE

Pithva Dhwanil Manishkumar - EC

Prajapati Akash Jagdisbhai - MH
Each of these students has been awarded a scholarship of Rs. 25,000/-(INR twenty five thousands only) from the Pradip and Daksha Dalal Family Endowment Fund. It is renewable for the following three years if the student accomplishes the required academic goals.
Merit-cum-Means Scholarships :
As a part of programmes to achieve the objectives, DDUAA is giving merit cum means scholarships to the deserving students. It is decided to establish “DDU Alumni Association Scholarship Fund” so as to make the scheme self sustaining through donation from individuals and organizations. We are happy to announce that ex-students of DDU, number of individuals and organizations have extended tremendous positive response for the generous donation to award “Merit Cum Means Scholarship” to deserving students and we expect many more to follow the same. So, we are taking this opportunity to place our kind request in front of individuals and organizations to come forward and support the noble cause of “Vidya Dan”. Your support to the deserving students will help them in changing their life and thus you will be contributing in giving them a bright future. We hope you will support this worthy cause and send us your DD/Cheque at the earliest. (If you want to get tax benefit under section 80 G(5) kindly draw the DD/Cheque in favour of DD Foundation) otherwise in favour of DDU Alumni Association.
For the academic year 2023-24, Students need to apply for scholarship through the google form , they need to prepare a single pdf consisting of all the required documents and upload it in google form itself. This must be done before 20/11/2023
D.D. University Alumni Association Amt. Rs. 10000/-